Commuter City Campus Parking

Here are the parking permit options available to commuter students who take classes primarily on City Campus.

Two permit duration types are available:

Annual PermitsNine Month Permits
Annual Permits are effective from mid-August current year till mid-August following year. Permit must be ordered/renewed before mid-August for the start of the academic year.Nine Month permits are effective from mid-August current year till mid-May following year. Permit must be ordered/renewed before mid-August for the start of the academic year.

Permit Options

Permit Legends

Redused on faculty non-reserved permits Blue used on student resident permits
Orange used on faculty reserved permits Green used on student commuter permits
Gold used on garage permits Yellow used on student reserved permits
Purple used on perimeter permits   

Non-reserved Permits

Note: Non-reserved student permit holders are assigned to Green-C parking lots when visiting East Campus.

PermitAnnualNine MonthCity ColorCity Campus ParkingLocation(s)
 $540.00$405.00GreenCMultiple City & East Campus locations

Reserved Permits

Note: Reserved student permit holders are assigned to Green-C parking lots when visiting East Campus.

PermitAnnualNine MonthColorCity Campus ParkingLocation(s)
D1-$729.00OrangeD1Morrill Hall (MORR)
D2-$729.00OrangeD2Shorr Center (SHOR)

Parking Garage Permits

Note: Parking garage student permit holders are assigned to C parking lots when visiting East Campus.

PermitAnnualNine MonthColorCity Campus ParkingLocation(s)
14C$612.00$459.00Gold14C14th & Avery (14PG)
17C$648.00$486.00Gold17C17th & R (17PG)
19C$648.00$486.00Gold19C19th & Vine (19PG)
SG$648.00$486.00GoldSG625 Stadium Drive (SDPG)

Perimeter Permit
PermitAnnualNine MonthColorCity & East Campus ParkingLocation(s)
P$276.00$207.00PurplePMultiple City & East campus locations