Rules & Regulations
Parking and Transit Services has established a clear set of usage guidelines for parking on campus. These rules are designed for efficient, effective, fair and safe usage of the UNL parking areas. If those rules are not followed, penalties can be applied. Become familiar with these guidelines and consequences for failure to comply.

Parking Use Agreement & Regulations
The user agreement covers a list of parking stipulation that all permit holders should be familiar with and abide to.
Violation and Penalties
A violation of the parkign use agreement and rules & regulations will result in a citation to be issued. Information covered on this page includes all manners of projibited parking, violation, and the associated penalty amount, and towing and impoundment information.
Citation: Payment/Appeal
Citations are issued when parking violations occur. Citation must be paid or appealed in a timely manner. Appeals must occur within 14 calendar days after a citation issued.
Term Definitions
Terms used in our user agreement and rules & regulations are defined on this page.