UNL offers access to parking permits for special and specific users. These options provide permitted parking for specific vehicles or usages. With the License Plate Recognition System, vehicle license plates serve as permit identification.
Bicycle Use and Regulations
Bicycle owners should register their bicycles on campus with the UNL Police Department. This will help identify and recover your property in the event of a theft.
Bicyclists are required to use the storage racks on the UNL campus. Bicycles are not to be secured to trees, posts, signs, stairwells, railings, or handicapped ramps. Any bicycles found secured to an object other than racks will be removed and held at the UNL Police Department for 30 days. If unclaimed, it will be sold at public auction.
Bicyclists are encouraged to "walk" their bicycles when there is heavy pedestrian traffic on campus. Care should also be exercised in riding on streets in or near campus. Dirt-biking is prohibited on campus.
Handicapped Permits
UNL parking facilities, except metered areas and time-controlled zones, require a valid, regularly priced (not Perimeter) UNL issued parking permit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To park at a UNL accessible parking spot, a UNL issued handicapped permit is required.
Individuals with physical disabilities may purchase a permit valid for use in an area reserved for the exclusive use of disabled individuals by presenting UNL Parking & Transit Services a current state-issued handicapped permit authorization. Supporting documents such as a copy of the handicap placard receipt can be uploaded online.
Supporting Document Upload Instructions
- Either scan or take a picture of the handicap placard receipt. Digital document format can either be JPG or PDF
- Log into your online Parking Account
- Access the Manage Account page using the blue button in the image banner
- Locate the Uploaded Documents section on the page and use the Choose File button to browse for the receipt PDF or image
- Once the receipt document has been selected, use the Upload button to upload the document to the servers
- Let us know that the supporting document has been uploaded so that we can review it
Medical Accommodations
Individuals whose medical condition requires a closer parking space as a matter of accommodation, should contact the Parking and Transit Services Office at 402-472-1800. Request for accommodations is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Motorcycle Parking
All motorcycles parked in university controlled lots must be registered with the Parking and Transit Services Department. Register the motorcycle online
Motorcycles parked in designated motorcycle parking areas, located across the UNL campuses, do not need a permit. Locate available motorcycle parking spots on our Parking Maps page. However, a permit is required if you wish to park in a regular designated vehicle parking lot. There is no motorcycle-designated permit; pick the permit designation for the lot you wish to use. Garage parking is not allowed for motorcycles.
Carpool Program
A Carpool Parking Program is available for UNL faculty and staff. It provides a parking permit with a cost shared among participants. Some program-related information is listed below. For more complete information, refer to the application.
Obtaining a Carpool Permit
Carpool Permit Application Form
Form must be completed, printed, and returned to the Parking and Transit Services office.
- Eligible carpool groups consist of a minimum of two members
- All carpool members must provide their personal details in the application form
- All carpool members must be employed with UNL as regular full time, benefits eligible and live off campus
- Spouses and cohabitants are excluded
- Motorcycles, motor scooters, and mopeds are excluded from the carpool program
- The cost of the carpool permit is the price of a regular non-reserve parking permit
- The cost will be divided by the number of members in the carpool
- Payment is made through payroll deduction
Carpool Permit Use Policy
- Only one parking permit is issued per carpool
- Carpool permits are not interchangeable between carpool groups
- Only one of the registered vehicles may be parked in the designated space at any time
- Carpool members are not eligible to purchase any other UNL parking permits
- The carpool may make a request for a specific non-reserved or reserved faculty staff parking lot; however not all parking lots are available for the carpool.
Changes to the Carpool
The carpool must notify Parking and Transit Services Office of any change to a carpool status. If a carpool member drops out of the carpool, the remaining members have 15 days to recruit another member. If the carpool dissolves, members are required to return the carpool permit and purchase regular permits at the prorated cost.
Any type of falsification or improper use of a UNL parking permit or persistent violations are grounds for citations, impoundment of vehicle, or revocation of parking privileges.
UNL Permit Holder Reciprocal Parking
Parking permits from UNK, UNO, UNMC and Nebraska Innovation Campus may be used on the UNL Campus for academic and business related activities; all other uses are prohibited unless authorized by Parking and Transit Services. University of Nebraska faculty, staff and students who are primarily assigned to UNL must purchase a permit from UNL Parking and Transit Services and may not use permits from other campuses.
Regularly priced UNL parking permits (A, C, F and Garage) may be used on other University of Nebraska campuses. Be familiar with each campus's reciprocal parking regulations before parking. Contact Parking and Transit Services to determine eligibility.
With the implementation of the virtual permit system License Plate Recognition, UNL permit holders must request and display a permit validation sign for parking at UNMC and UNK campuses. The sign verifies License Plate Recognition System participation. It is available at no cost upon request. Permit holders can request and receive the sign, and display for all visits to these campuses for the effective period of the actual permit. Permit holders must contact Parking and Transit Services at unlpts@unl.edu from their UNL email accounts or come to the office at 625 Stadium Drive to receive a permit sign. Vehicles with physical permits (such as garage hangtags) must only display the permit for UNMC and UNK.
To park on the UNO and Nebraska Innovation campuses, UNL permit holders must notify Parking and Transit Services and request their permit be added to the reciprocal visitors list. Requests must be made from official UNL email accounts to unlpts@unl.edu
UNO and NIC campuses are notified and your license is added to their permit roster. Access remains for the effective period of the UNL permit.
UNO Parking
All valid parking permits issued by any of the other University of Nebraska system campuses (UNK, UNL and UNMC) will be honored in select lots on UNO campuses. Assignments and restrictions are outlined at UNO Parking Services. For further enquiries about reciprocal parking at UNO, please contact their Parking Services directly at 402-554-7275. UNO permit holders must request a physical permit from Parking Services and display it in order to park at UNL. This hanger permit indicates the type and effective date of the valid reciprocal permit.
UNK Parking
Reciprocal parking at the UNK campus can be found in their parking policies document on their website. For further enquiries about reciprocal parking at UNK, please contact their Parking Services directly.
UNMC Parking
Parking permits from other University of Nebraska campuses will be honored at UNMC in designated student areas if the parking is not a UNMC employee or UNMC full time student.
Nebraska Innovation Campus
UNL parking permits are valid on the Nebraska Innovation Campus (NIC) in the Conference Center parking lot located north of Transformation Drive.
To park on the Nebraska Innovation campus, UNL permit holders must notify Parking and Transit Services and request their permit be added to the reciprocal visitors list. Requests must be made from official UNL email accounts to unlpts@unl.edu
Persons driving a UNL marked vehicle (rented from Fleet Management), must have a reciprocal permit to park on the Nebraska Innovation Campus. Departments or individuals may request a reciprocal permit from official UNL email accounts to unlpts@unl.edu.
The NIC campus is notified and your license is added to their permit roster. Access remains for the effective period of the UNL permit.
Summer Permits
Permits for summer sessions are sold during finals week in the Parking and Transit Services office and may be purchased for individual summer sessions or the whole summer.
Permit Event Sticker required for campus event parking
With the campus License Plate Recognition System, your vehicle license plate serves as your parking permit identification. For faculty and staff with a regular surface lot permit, a Permit Event Sticker is required for special campus events. Garage permit holders need only display the hangtag.
The Permit Event Sticker verifies License Plate Recognition System participation and must be displayed for campus parking during campus events.
These events include high school championship sport events, concerts, conferences and Husker football games. With the sticker, vehicles can park in areas provided by their campus permit.
This event sticker does NOT provide expanded campus parking during Husker football games. Game day parking for faculty and staff permit holders remains limited to designated areas. For details, check UNL Parking Permit Holder Parking https://parking.unl.edu/athletic-events-parking#fb-faculty
The Permit Event Sticker is available at no additional cost to permit holders.
To receive the Permit Event Sticker, use your official UNL email account and send the request to Parking and Transit Services at unlpts@unl.edu
If requested, the Permit Event Sticker will be mailed to your campus address; please provide your campus mailing address including the four digit campus zip code
Permit holders may also go to the Parking and Transit Services office to request and receive the sticker.
Display the Permit Event Sticker on the inside front windshield, lower driver’s side.
For additional information, call 402-472-1800.
Emeriti Faculty Parking
Emeriti faculty will be issued a regular non-reserved parking permit at no charge upon their retirement from UNL.
Permit Use
- The permit is non-transferable. It must be used by the individual to whom it is issued. If the permit is used by a spouse, family member or anyone else the permit will be revoked and the individual will forfeit renewal eligibility.
- Emeriti faculty may purchase a reserved parking permit at a $20 per month discount from the regular reserved permit cost. Availability of reserved parking will be based on demand of active faculty or staff members.
Occasional Parking Permit
Occasional Parking Permit packets provide access to ten single parking days, with a date selection capability.
The permit is valid when the current date (one month, one day and one year) is exposed by removing the metallic covering. The daily permits are valid only in designated parking areas, including Area A and Area C. The packet of daily parking permits expires on the last calendar date listed on the permit. Occasional Parking Permits are non-refundable.
These guidelines cover Occasional Permit purchase and use:
- Purchaser must be a current UNL faculty, staff, student or department
- The Occasional Parking Permit program is valid for individual use only (no contractors or vendors)
- For faculty, staff or students, permits are valid only for the registered user and may not be transferred, reissued, or sold to another user; faculty, staff or departments may not purchase on behalf of a student. Violation of this policy may result in a citation for falsifying a permit application with a fine of $100.00 and the purchaser may be banned from future purchase.
- Students are limited to three Occasional Parking Permits packets per semester
- Occasional Parking Permits may not be used on football game days
Packets of Occasional Parking Permits are available for purchase online or at the Parking and Transit Services office for faculty and staff. Students must purchase the packets at the office. Departments must contact Parking and Transit Services to obtain instructions to purchase the permit. The cost is $40.00 for each 10-day packet
Online Temporary Parking Permit
To help meet needs for flexible parking options, temporary permits are available to purchase online.
These permits are available for selected day or days, one week, two weeks, three weeks and one month terms. They are available in Area A, faculty and staff parking lots; Area C, student parking lots; and Area P, perimeter parking lots. Effective dates are set during purchase.
With the implementation of the virtual permit system License Plate Recognition, purchase of the Temporary Parking Permit information is entered into the system. The registered vehicle license provides access to designated areas.
Temporary virtual permits are refundable under set conditions. To cancel a campus temporary parking permit and request a refund, send an email from your official UNL email account to Parking and Transit Services unlpts@unl.edu.
For a one day, two day or one week permit, the effective date cannot have started. The purchase price of the permit can be refunded if requested and returned before the effective date. No refund is allowed after the effective date
Permits for two weeks, three weeks and one month may be returned on these prorated rates:
- Returned prior to effective date: 100% refund
- Returned in first week, prorate to refund remaining weeks:
- For Area A/C, charge $18.00 if returned during the 1st week, $28.00 if returned during 2nd week, $38.00 if returned during the third week, no refund if returned during the 4th week.
- For Area P, charge $9.00 if returned during the 1st week, $13.00 if returned during 2nd week, $18.00 if returned during the third week, no refund if returned during the 4th week.
Area A Area C Area P
Day $7 $7
1 Week $18 $18 $9
2 Weeks $28 $28 $13
3 Weeks $38 $38 $18
1 Month $48 $45 $23
Service and Delivery Permits
Service and delivery parking provides short term access to buildings on campus. They are distributed by assigned departments for specific official UNL business purposes, but may only be used with a valid UNL permit. The assigning department provides the permit and monitors usage. The permit must be returned to the Department Chairperson each day when not in use.
- On City and East Campuses, Service and Delivery spaces are marked Administrative Service Stalls in designated Area A parking; in addition to the Service Delivery spaces, it is also valid in any Area A space.
- A two-hour time limit is enforced
- Service and Delivery spaces are reserved for official business use between 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. During these hours, vehicles need to display a Service and Delivery Parking Permit along with one of the following faculty/staff or student parking permit types:
- non-reserved (Red, Blue, Green)
- reserved (Orange, Yellow)
- garage permit (Yellow)
- perimeter permit (only from 3 p.m. - 7.30p.m.) (Purple)
- After 7:30 p.m. a vehicle with any valid campus parking permit may park in the Service and Delivery spaces.
These permits are strictly for business purposes. Parking and Transit Services will confiscate the permit if it is misused and the issuing department will forfeit permit privileges .
Vendor/Contractor Permits
Vehicles parked on campus by vendor/contractors doing business with the University must display a Vendor/Contractor Permit. This permit type can be purchased in the office at 625 Stadium Drive, Suite A. If you have questions, call Parking and Transit Services at 402-472-1800.
Permit | Annual | Nine Month | MONTHLY | WEEKLY | Daily |
Vendor | $636.00 | $477.00 | $53.00 | $19.00 | $8.00 |