
A violation of the parking use agreement and rules and regulations can result in a citation to be issued. Citations should be paid or appealed in a timely manner.

Pay a Citation

Each vehicle citation includes the requirement of a payment of fine. The ticketed driver must make this payment in a timely manner. Payment options include:

  • Pay online at the Parking and Transit Services account site
  • Send payment by mail to:
    • Parking and Transit Services
      Stadium Drive Parking Garage
      625 Stadium Drive, Ste. A
      Lincoln, NE, 68588
    • Include citation number, name, and UNL identification number. Make checks payable to University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Returned Check Policy

Individuals who stop payment on checks used to pay UNL parking fees or fines, or who write insufficient funds checks for UNL parking fees or penalties, will automatically have vehicle license plate number(s) placed on the impoundment list. The individual's transcripts, diploma, registration, and vehicle permit renewal may be held. The individual will be required to pay with cash or a money order to satisfy the amount of the check and any additional violation penalties or fees.

Appeal a Citation

If you have been issued a parking citation at UNL, you can either pay or appeal the citation. A complete Appeals Process has been established. Certain offenses are not eligible for the Appeal Process. These are identified in the Violations and Penalties roster.

Appeals Process

The Parking Appeals Committees were established by UNL to provide the person receiving an official UNL parking violation an avenue of appeal when requested. Any person receiving an official UNL parking violation who feels the issuance of the citation is not in accordance with UNL Parking Rules and Regulations has the right to appeal the citation to the appropriate UNL Parking Appeals Committee.

The appeal form must be completed within 14 calendar days of the issue date of the citation. Appeals that are submitted beyond the 14-day period or appeals that are vague or incomplete will not be accepted or will be rejected.

The appeal of the violation may be made online at appeal a violation.  If you are not affiliated with UNL, you will need to create an account to access the appeal citation option. In addition, a letter can be mailed to the Parking and Transit Services office. Please specify in the letter that it is to be used as an appeal and include the citation number on all correspondences.

The Parking and Transit Services staff first reviews the submitted appeal. Approval of an appeal is contingent on review of evidence that meets valid criteria.

The appeal is evaluated on established criteria. If the appeal meets review criteria, it will advance to the Parking Appeals Committee for consideration. If the appeal does not meet criteria standards, it will be returned to the person who submitted the appeal for payment.

The appeal should present substantial or valid evidence that:

  • The parking violation was not committed.
  • The occurrence was due to circumstances beyond the driver’s control.

The appeal process is not an opportunity for general criticisms, complaints or policy debates.

The following reasons are considered as frivolous and not valid as a basis for appeal:

  • Lack of knowledge of the regulations
  • Other vehicles were parked improperly
  • Only parked illegally for a short period of time
  • Stated failure of parking officer to ticket previously for similar offenses
  • Late to class or appointment
  • Inability to pay the amount of the fine
  • No other place to park

A hearing date will be arranged with a UNL Parking Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committees may uphold, dismiss, or change the violation. The committees are not empowered to reduce the penalty rate for violations. Any violation or impoundment paid prior to a committee hearing will be refunded though UNL Parking and Transit Services if the violation is dismissed or changed or the impoundment appeal granted.

Plan to attend the appeals hearing. If you are unable to attend the hearing, you will need to indicate that on the appeal or notify Parking and Transit Services prior to 12:00 p.m. noon on the hearing date. Failure to provide notification will result in the Appeals Committee automatic denial your request.

Student Appeals Committee

The Student Parking Appeals Committee receives and adjudicates student appeals based on the rules established by the University of Nebraska.  The Association of Students of the University of Nebraska (ASUN) is responsible for selecting a pool of student to serve on one or more appeal committees as needed each semester. Three members constitute a quorum for each committee meetings. The board meets on a regularly scheduled basis monthly. The board will not meet during dead week, finals week, holidays, or spring and fall breaks. A hearing date will be arranged with a UNL Parking Appeals Committees.

The Appeals Committees may uphold or dismiss the violation. The committees are not empowered to reduce the penalty rate for violations. Any violation or impoundment paid prior to a committee hearing will be refunded though UNL Parking and Transit Services should the violation be dismissed or changed or the impoundment appeal granted.

Plan to attend the appeals hearing. If you are unable to attend the hearing, you will need to indicate that on the appeal or notify Parking and Transit Services prior to 12:00 p.m. noon on the hearing date. Failure to provide notification will result in the Appeals Committee automatic denial your request.

Faculty and Staff Appeals Committee

The Faculty Staff Parking Appeals Committee receives and adjudicates faculty, staff and visitor appeals based on the rules established by the University of Nebraska.

The Faculty/Staff Parking Appeals Committee is comprised of three representatives from each of three recognized faculty/employee organizations: the Academic Senate, the University Association from Administrative Development (UAAD), and the University of Nebraska Office Personnel Association (UNOPA). Committee members are responsible for assuring meeting attendance (by member or an alternate), to provide timely review of faculty/staff parking appeals. At least one member from each of the three recognized organizations faculty staff organization must be present to take action on faculty/staff parking appeals. The board meets on a regularly scheduled basis monthly.

Appeal of Due Process Procedures

An appeal of the decision made by a UNL Parking Appeals Committee may be made to the UNL Parking Advisory Committee in accordance with the guidelines for such procedure. An appeal only may be made if the appellant has concerns regarding due process procedures. The individual may file a written request with UNL Parking and Transit Services for a hearing before the Parking Advisory Committee at its regular monthly meeting only for questions of "due process". The request must be filed within 14 calendar days after the Parking Appeals Committee hearing.

The "right" of appeal does not entitle an individual to a full rehearing of the case. The Advisory Committee will limit its review of the Appeals Committee's record to the following issues:

  • Were the procedures of the UNL Parking and Transit Services Information & Regulations followed?
  • Did the Appeals Committee conduct itself in such a way that the appellant had an adequate opportunity to present a defense?
  • Was the evidence presented at the hearing "substantial" enough to justify a decision against the appellant?

Post Appeal Citation Payment Deadline

If the committee has decided to uphold the citation, all penalties must be paid within 14 calendar days following the decision date of the appeals committee process. Failure to do so may result in the impoundment of the vehicle.