Terms used in our user agreement and rules and regulations are defined as follows.
UNL Controlled Parking Facilities
All property owned, leased, or operated by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is enforced by UNL Parking and Transit Services. This can be a open-air surface parking lot, a parking garage, or metered areas.
Designated Parking Areas/Lots
All University of Nebraska-Lincoln parking facilities, except for metered and time controlled zones, operate by permit only. A designated parking area/lot is a parking lot or space that has a designated identifier (e.g. Red A) where vehicles displaying a matching permit may park. Parking by other permit holders is allowed during evening and weekends. See student and faculty parking options pages to find out when.
A person who works at the University with a faculty/staff appointment on a full time, part-time, temporary, or on-call basis, as long as this employment is the individual's primary purpose on campus. Faculty/staff parking permits are not authorized to park on campus overnight residential unless authorized by Parking and Transit Services
Person who is registered at or attends UNL on either a part-time or full-time basis during the school year. Student employees, including graduate students, are considered students (not employees) when purchasing parking permits.
- On Campus Resident Students: A resident student lives in an on campus residence hall, fraternity or sorority. Resident permits are designated for students who meet these housing choices. Students who meet Resident criteria are not eligible to purchase Commuter parking permits.
- Commuter Students: A commuter student lives off campus. Commuter parking permits are not authorized to park on campus overnight residential unless authorized by Parking and Transit Services. Students who live in any on campus housing option are not eligible to purchase Commuter permits. Commuter permits are not valid in the area assigned on home football game days.
Company or person providing goods or services to UNL. Vendor permits are not to be used by faculty, staff, or students.
Guests/Visitors are persons other than students, employees, and vendor/contractors of the NU system who occasionally visit UNL for personal purposes.
Departmental Guest/Visitors
Departmental guests and visitors are defined as individuals that visit a department, faculty or staff for outreach or educational purposes. Guests have no affiliation to the NU system (faculty, staff, student, and affiliate) and are not attending meetings, seminars, workshops or conferences on campus.
Volunteers are unpaid workers that are supervised by a UNL department. Volunteers are not affiliated with UNL as faculty, staff or students.
Motor Vehicle
Mechanically or electrically powered device that transports persons or property (i.e., trucks, automobiles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, mopeds).
Parked Vehicle
A vehicle in a stall with or without a driver present or a vehicle in a no parking area without a driver present is considered a parked vehicle.
Permit Holder
Person who has been issued a current UNL parking permit.
Registered Vehicle
Vehicle that has been properly registered with the Parking and Transit Services office.
Reserved Parking
Stall and/or lot reserved for specific persons, departments, or vehicles. No other vehicle is allowed to be parked in these areas.
Non-reserved Parking
Spaces within parking lot are based on availability. Does not guarantee the permit holder a parking space.
Valid Parking Permit
With the campus License Plate Recognition System, your vehicle license plate serves as your parking permit identification. The Permit Event Sticker must be displayed for campus parking during major campus events, including home football games. It verifies License Plate Recognition System participation. A valid parking permit imcludes a registered license plate, hang tag or sticker issued only by UNL Parking and Transit Services.
Valid Parking Space
A vehicle must be parked within the boundaries of a parking space as indicated by painted lines or in front of a designated port-a-curb.